lit 5

Sabrine Trepte

2) Citation

Trepte, Sabine, et al. “The Social Side of Gaming: How Playing Online Computer Games Creates Online and Offline Social Support.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 28, no. 3, Elsevier Ltd, 2012, pp. 832–39, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2011.12.003.

3) Summary Overall the use of this article is for me to use the concepts of bridging and bonding as a form of relationship building within a community as social capital. The bridging is for the initial connection, what starts the possible relationship, and the bonding is the relationship developing into more.

4) Author

Sabine Trepte, went to University of Hohenheim, Talks about communcation, self-disclousre and social support, all over a good resource to use for this virtaul social capital. 

5) Key terms

Bridging and Bonding social capital

6) Quotes

“bridging social capital refers to weak social ties in which people feel informed and inspired by each other. Bonding social capital refers to strong social ties delivering emotional support and understanding”

“may possess the mechanisms necessary for a transition from online to offline friendships, because it can provide physical and social proximity as well as familiarity which are crucial preconditions the formation of bridging and bonding social capital.” (Trepte).

7) Helps start the idea of relationship building for the possibility for virtual social capital. This bonding is useful for talking about college club and an esports community. I use these two terms to help demonstrate the relationship building process.


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