How college is not just an education its an experience that is costly, is it worth going to school to be in student debt, or only worth it to build connections? When going to college, financial situations and family relationships shape this mindset of going to college and how that can affect an experience at college.

White A, Hingson R. The burden of alcohol use: excessive alcohol consumption and related consequences among college students. Alcohol research. 2013;35(2):201-218.  

When taking the social situations of college, do students who are drinking at college know what they are going into and know how much they can intake. With this scholarly article, details about college drinking, and what social relations can be built from statistics are shown through this article. This can be useful in finding social aspects of college life and if it is worth it for the individual for finding similar college students through drinking.

  McDonough, P. M., & Calderone, S. (2006). The Meaning of Money: Perceptual Differences Between College Counselors and Low-Income Families About College Costs and Financial Aid. American Behavioral Scientist, 49(12), 1703–1718.

Now with income and finical aid, this scholarly article can be helpful when talking about income and counseling with the student and finding financial aid. I can use this article to help back up my points about the expense of college and the sue of financial aid. Is it worth being in student debt for a college education and connection building?

  Felten, P., & Lambert, L. (2020). Relationship-rich education how human connections drive success in college . Johns Hopkins University Press.
Here i can use the relationship building and connection driving for success in college to show my points on how college is just not only an education, going to school and making connections is important for future success out of college. Which is an unfortunate way of putting college, where its said that education matters but there are some points where connections and relationships stand out more than the education and degree aspect. 


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