lit 4

 2) Citation

Meng, Jingbo, et al. “Channels Matter: Multimodal Connectedness, Types of Co-Players and

Social Capital for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Gamers.” Computers in Human

Behavior, vol. 52, Elsevier Ltd, 2015, pp. 190–99, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.06.007.


3) Summary

Here i can use these surveys and common connection building and social capital to

Relate connectedness together. Overall this article talks about the surveys done about the

Benefits of having social capital and connectedness with these people. Is the frequency of

Communicating with one another worth it to be considered a good social capital benefit. 

4) Jingbo Meng is an associate professor at michigan state university

Talks about digital communication, social media and networking, social science and health


5) key terms

Social capital

Social connectedness

Bridging and bonding social capital

6) quotes


between the frequency of playing with pre-existing offline friends and both bridging and bonding

social capital was stronger for those who had higher levels of multimodal connectedness; the

relationship between the frequency of playing with online friends first met in the game and

bridging social capital was stronger for those who had higher levels of multimodal


“popular MOBA game

League of Legends

, the study surveyed over 17,000 players on their

uses of communication channels to interact with co-players, frequency of playing with different

relational partners, and social capital outcomes” (Meng).


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